Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The first post...

So this is the ever so awkward first post where no one really knows what to say, but you have to say something to start this journey into the blog world. I haven't really figured out exactly what I'm going to do with this blog, but expect a little bit of everything (even though I have found that the "blog experts" frown upon that). The idea came from my wonderful best friend +Whitney Foreman who is starting her own fashion blog ( Sweet Southern Sass ) that I obviously recommend you follow!

A little bit about me...

First and foremost I am a Christian. I am in no way perfect, and I know that I fail God on a daily basis, but I also know that without him I would be nothing. He has planned every detail of this beautiful life, and I take comfort in knowing that I am exactly where He wants me to be.


My senior prom 2007
Drew and I started dating when I was 17. The last 7 years have been nothing short of a roller coaster ride, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I have learned so much from our relationship about love, loss, life, and myself. We have laughed, cried, and had our fair share of hard times, but I am a very firm believer in "what is meant to be will find a way." I'm learning very quickly in life that timing is everything, and just because something isn't right at one point in your life does not mean that it will never work out. Be patient, have faith, and pray about it. Eventually all the pieces will fall into place, and you will be happier than you ever could have imaged being.
I am a 2011 graduate of The University of Alabama, a lover of all things Alabama, and a die hard Crimson Tide football fan. If you are not part of the Alabama family, it is almost impossible to comprehend. If you have never experienced the rivalry of The Iron Bowl, the taste of a Yellow Hammer before kick off, winning a National Championship, being on Bourbon Street and seeing the look on the LSU fan's faces after a complete shut out, the smell of cigars in the air after beating Tennessee, the chills during the fly over in Bryant Denney, or the feeling of satisfaction when, for a brief second, you saw Coach smile, you will never understand. I am an Alabama fan, not a "well if they aren't playing Alabama" fan. Go ahead, judge away. Some people call it obnoxious, but I call it loyal. Some of the best moments of my life happened in Tuscaloosa and on an Alabama gameday, and I feel certain there will be plenty more great memories added to that collection over the years. When I do something, I put my whole heart and soul into it, and football is not any different. I suppose it's also a Southern thing. You will never catch me (insert Sandra Bullock from The Blind Side) "in that gaudy orange color". The only time you will find me replacing my Crimson and White is with the Black and Gold of my beloved Cullman High School Bearcats.
I have been very blessed with my current job. I am a Sales and Marketing Associate for an online interactive text book company. I travel about 60% of the time, and lucky for me we are a small company and the whole country is my territory. I spent this past summer in 6 different states, and I have 4 more before the end of the year. Be prepared, I will be posting many pictures of my travels on here.
My absolute favorite thing to do it laugh. The very first thing I fell in love with about Drew was his ability to make me laugh uncontrollably. I spend more time laughing with my friends than I do talking. I will go out of my way to make people laugh, and if we can't laugh together I probably won't be spending very much time with you.
I explain 99% of my life through song lyrics. I am constantly listening to music. From the time I wake up, in the car, at work, the drive home, and while at home there is always some form of music on. I pretty much like it all, from Usher to Garth Brooks, Michael Buble to Justin Bieber, Eric Church, All American Rejects, Staind, and everything in between. I also have a slight obsession with concerts that I'm sure I will talk about more later.
To wrap anything up that I forgot... I am a total summer girl and prefer to be on the water all the time. I'm a small town girl living in a big 'ole city. I have champagne taste on a very cheap beer budget. I am about as Southern as they come, and I will always prefer boots over heels, as well as jeans and a tshirt over a sparkly dress. I love all kinds of crafts and refurbishing old things. I'm not an excellent cook, but I'm getting better.
And just like I mentioned with the song lyrics, and as the title suggests, "I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world..."  

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